Today broke me - the illegal firings
Today broke me. Sorry but I don’t have anything positive or inspirational to add. I was in office for a training half the people in our small conference room whom I’ve grown close to got emails to meet with their sups later this week via a teams calendar invite (all the ones who received the invite are probationary) the rest of us didn’t get a meeting invite.
We all know what the invite is for. I feel like we’re on the titanic. It gutted me to watch them break down and sob. Almost felt like an out of body experience to see it hit home, I mean I’m not ignorant and keep up with the EOs and this Reddit thread but idk I feel like I’ve disassociated at this point though. Some will say “oh don’t take it personal lay offs happen”. Yeah, I know they’re common in the private sector, corporate etc…difference is it doesn’t have this psychological warfare bullshit heir to it.
Most companies keep it in the dark then rip the band aid off - this method is used for several reasons I can surmise those reasons…but this fucking shit? Confusing ass EOs and mandates wirh exemptions, not knowing when /how just in a state of purgatory not knowing if you’ll literally have a job one day to the next it’s absolutely psychological warfare. What a complete disgrace to the talented and hard working citizens who decided to join the federal work force….I am so sorry this is happening to you all, I can see the writing on the wall and figure I’m not too far behind you all.