flying tommorow and just need support

flying out to so cal tommorow with my god mom (burbank) and i just have general fear about the whole thing. SMF is gonna be cloudy and maybe rainy as is BUR. Im dreading takeoff and just geenrally everything ik signs arent real but my anxiety brain is getting to me. I feel sick and im gonna see if my family can book me a train home. I felt fine untill today as its super windy and rainy here. Im worried about sliding off the runway at bur since its a short run way :/

Worried about takeoff and landing cuz ive recently become afraid of runway/mid air collisions due to the recent events and i just cant shake the feeling of the sadness of those peoples familys mustve felt. Im just so scared and ive been lurking here like a idiot but yeah. Thanks for reading my rant.