Cursed Ascension Prologue [Fantasy Romance Action 1500 words]
This is my first attempt at writing. Please share what you feel about the writing. What should and could I improve is also welcomed for discussion. Thank you!
I roared as my axe sliced through it's body, putting it to an eternal sleep, away from all the misery that it could have suffered if it was alive for any longer.
"Haa... haa..."
Out of breath I sat down infront of the monster that I just took down and looked around on the battlefield.
All around was the smell of blood and carcasses of both the monsters and humans, millions of lives were lost right here on this battlefield, others say that they died for the greater good.
I laughed, what greater good are they talking about? Because after this war there will neither be greater nor good. All of this leads only to one single thing...
That is Nothing...
These people and monsters won't understand that they are just the pawns and spare pieces, used for amusement of the greater Gods, the same very Gods that they have worshipped for millennias.
Still breathing heavily I moved my gaze away from the corpses and looked down at my left hand which held my most prized possession, My golden axe 'Aug'. Now covered with blood and battered from the continuous trials and tests we've been through.
Raising my right hand I called for my other axe which was till embedded in the monster's body,
"Come, 'Stormus!'"
Making a swoosh sound it landed in my hand, my other partner in crime, the one who was truly with me from the beginning, formed in my very hands.
Using both 'Aug' and 'stormus' as support I tried to get up but faltered and fell to my knees again.
'Stop! just stay still for a while, your body is beyond what you call injured, it needs rest, most of your nerves are burnt, legs are broken, even the loss of blood is too high!
'And to top it all of... you are for the first time in your life out of Mana."
Hearing the grumpy and wise old man like voice in my head I stopped struggling and tried to relax. "I know that Aug but still, I can't fall down here, I refuse to make this place my graveyard." My voice rasp but stern.
"Relax dude." This time a playful but mature man's voice resounded in my head, "He knows what to do, don't keep treating him like a child."
"Shut up Stormus, you and I know very well how his body works and now in what condition it is, you know right... if he keeps up with this, this place will truly be our graveyard."
"Haaa..." Stormus sighed and said in a remorsing voice, "So what if he dies, is there anyone left who can live with us, all his friends and wives are-"
"Stop it both of you!"
I interrupted. "As much as I like you standing up to me, Stormus let's not bring those topics up shall we?"
"Sorry, I didn't mean to..." Stormus said quietly.
"Dying isn't a problem for me Stormus, the moment I was passed down to our master, death was the least of my concerns, every fight we had, every battle which we fought together could have been our last."
"But here we are on this battlefield, still fighting to our last breath."
"What I want to say is that I won't let him die fighting such a lowly monster."
Stormus and I both chuckled at his words.
"Don't worry, this insect won't be enough to kill me, besides he just pissed me off, so I called him a bastard."
"A FUCKING BASTARD!" Stormus corrected me.
"Yaa, yaa whatever." I replied annoyingly but with gratitude. "Thanks guys, without y'all, reaching at this point was just..."
"Alright don't get senitimental on us now." Stormus said wheezingly. "And besides, we know how great and strong we are, you don't need to remind us of that again."
"With that I agree." Aug said calmly.
"Seriously?! Both of you, haa..." I shouldn't have let them on high horses. But I guess after everything we've been through, they truly deserved to be called that.
"I hope he will be proud of me." I said dreamily.
"He surely will be." both Aug and Stormus replied at the same time without any hesitation.
"I had known him for a longer time than you had master, I'm sure he will be... more than anyone." Aug added.
Looking at the golden axe I remembered his face, long spikey silver hair, deep blue ocean eyes, sword shaped eyebrows and a sharp jawline to add to his beauty and that pleasant and calming smile.
"I miss you brother Al-"
A loud noise interrupted my words, reminding me of where I was.
"Shit!! We are in a damn war, how can we go down the memory lane now."
I said self accusingly and got up, smashing both the axes in the blood seeped ground and patting the dust from my armour and clothes, ruffling my silver -now blood dyed- hair.
"Let's go, Let's end It right here and right now!"
I roared to get my blood boiling and jumped right into the air and summoned both the axes behind me.
Surveying quickly I found where most of the hordes of monsters had gathered and started flying towards them. Electricity started gathering around my body, my golden irises started glowing.
The atmosphere which was dull and the clouds which were dark started turning crimson, trying to imitate the colour of my lightning, thunder started bellowing from the clouds above, gathering the attention of the monsters and the humans as well.
They all looked at me in respect, pride, worship but the most evident was the fear... a fear that one feels when in the presence of a monster...
A True Monster. A powerhouse that even the Gods have to be cautious of...
That's who I am!
Still charging up my lighting, the tattoo on my left shoulder which extended to the back started to come to life, it started burning blue, due to the armour no one could see it but I felt it, and it felt Goood!
"It's more than enough." Stormus cautioned.
I amirked thinking the same.
"Yes, for these lowly insects this is..." But my target was not just these monsters It was also the humans.
More specifically their fear for my strength.
The air started vibrating, the wind picked its pace, the dark red clouds started swarming above me and the pressure also started increasing on the human and monsters around me.
Thump! Thump!
Everyone around me fell to their knees, including the humans, my power and strength does not discriminate humans from monster, the ones with enough strength are the only ones who can even have the right to stand beside or infront of me.
I smiled in satisfaction when I saw the fear for me in them increase, whenever the tattoo glowed it gave me a sense of pride like a Supreme entity who stands above all, and it does not let me bow my head to anyone.
'I still can't control it.'
I thought, but left that thought as it is because this is War, and only by letting this pride and ego flow through my body can I assert dominance.
'You know that's not needed for you to assert dominance, right? You're dominant as it is.' Stormus said peeking at my thoughts.
"Focus!" I snapped, this wasn't the time for jokes.
My long hair floating, lightning flashed through my eyes, nerves filled with blood rush and mana draining into my attack.
"Its time." I signalled both Aug and Stormus to do their part.
"Yes Master! "
"Aye Aye Captain!"
Hearing their voices and seeing them getting dissolved to support my attack, I knew this was it. All my anguish, all my suffering and all my grief were put into this one attack.
"Yes... This is Me!" I roared while taking a battle stance.
"And this... is your Death!"
I raised my right hand above my head and a trident made up of the purest and the highest level of lightning known to the universe formed.
No name was needed for this attack as there were none who survived it, no one dared to name it.
Even me...
Taking a deep breath I aimed and bellowed to my loudest. "Time To Di-"
(Wake Up!)
I froze. I Heard a voice inside my head and I knew this soft spoken voice didn't belong to Aug or Stormus, it belonged to someone very very dear to me.
But to hear that voice here... that wasn't possible!
Then Who?
Who was it?!
All my energy drained and my attack deformed and I just stood there... blank.
(You Need To Wake Up!)
This time I shuddered and trembled violently, my body started shivering and my teeth chattered, I was losing my mind. It's the same voice!
The voice that was with me through everything, from the very beginning, the voice was together with me.
Who... who are you?!
Where is it coming from and why?!
Why at this very moment?!
I tried to call for Aug and Stormus but there was no reply.
I Lost It...
I started falling from the sky with my back towards the land and face upwards, looking at the clouds losing its colour, that was the very last thing I saw.
I Fainted.
To Be Continued...