Just finished The Cruel Prince series and

Now I get why everyone is obsessed with Jude and how she’s on most people’s “favorite FMC” lists. She is just so strong and cunning. And I really enjoyed watching how strategic she was even if she messed up a few times but damn that’s to be expected. She went from human worm to king controller to human queen. And even through all that, I never thought she abused her power or lorded over the others like they did with her and her sister and the other mortals. She’s admirable.

I didn’t have high hopes going into this book because YA is usually too childish for my tastes but I really enjoyed this series and thought it was pretty well written. My only complaint is that it was closed door but I guess that ties in with it being YA? Idk 🤷‍♀️

Speaking of strategic, violence loving badass women, any recs for another series with a similar FMC to Jude? Preferably open door and darker.