I hate Taylor Swift
This inept swine of a human being has done nothing good for the human race. It's a pleasant consolation if you can say of an artist that, while they have made terrible music, they are a good moral agent who has made our world less awful in some way. With Taylor Swift, she is a billionaire, and by virtue of this fact she is also a murderer. I say, why doesn't Luigi go and kill two birds with one stone? (This is a joke.)
As regards her music, it is the most insufferable music I have ever come across. There are plenty of adjectives I could use to describe just how awful it is, but, in a word, I think her work is a musical holocaust. The great paradox is that it is so ineffably soulless and inoffensive, that it is so much pop fodder and sustenance for the plebs of the world, that I shouldn't feel too strongly about it – yet these are the very reasons I despise it. To make matters worse, the horseshit is positively and violently forced down your throat; it is played in public spaces, on the radio in the background, and no one ever shuts the fuck up about it. Even when I thought there was an album of hers which would more readily appeal to me, it turned out to be a vile and botched attempt at folk. My hatred is also accentuated by this most recent album. Of course, the music was filth and bile as is customary with her, but the name was what really perturbed me. As if Taylor Swift could ever be considered by any rational mind a 'poet'. She then rubbed salt into my music-inflicted wounds with the heinous lyric, 'You know how to ball, I know Aristotle', the very mention of which almost compelled me to go and burn my Nichomachean Ethics – alas, I do love Aristotle, and I hate this stupid bitch, so I resolved at once both to realize that she has never even touched Aristotle (God thank it!) and also to increase my vitriol for her, rather than my dear Aristotle. Indeed, her lyrics in general are unbearable dreck, so bad that you actually wonder how someone could conceieve of something so bad – this same lyric which offends me so is shortly followed by the revolting words, 'Touch me while your bros play Grand Theft Auto'. Well. Perhaps a 'tortorous' rather than a 'tortured poet'.
I hope her nauseating music soon drops off the face of the earth.