Standoffs Boss Battle Round 1: Twist Again
Read Before Posting/Voting
With each round and battle, you will vote as to which Stands would prevail in a battle against the boss Stand. The boss Stand is:
「Twist Again」in Whoville and Mount Crumpet (Jim Carry Version)
Each user has a chance to make one post explaining how they will win, only speaking on their perspective in the fight. They may only use the information present in their made Stands, and nothing more. This means any narrative being followed or tactics being used cannot be in response to what the opponent has written. They must be written as if every possibility can and will happen, even if both players have near similar strategies or counters. Editing stands during the battle is not allowed and being caught will get you disqualified.
They may not debate the topic among each other, whether here or somewhere else. Advertising for oneself to win anywhere is also not allowed.
The readers may ask users questions about the battle and their Stands, to which they may reply, but still must answer in their perspective only. It is advised to ask them some deep and difficult questions about the stand, ability or the conditions and how they manage in them.
Note that whatever is said each round must be consistent to the one before and after. A mod will correct the user should they fail to do so.
Defeating the boss will give the user an additional 10 votes. Note the strategies from the mod will be made to allow a fair way for the opponents to win.
People may enter in teams within a round. One person must state the strategy and all members who will enter. No other person may be added once the strategy is posted. All votes from the team will be added together and divided by the number of each member.
If there are any serious questions or concerns about the rules and tournament itself as it's going, message a mod personally and not through comments.
The winners of the round will move on to the next until eventually one is left standing, crowned the winner! Best of luck to everyone!
Lore: Twas the night before Christmas, as the kids laid asleep
Just before Midnight, before the Mipkeet would Meep
The presents were stolen, each from their tree
As well as the banquet and stockings and treats
And yet one had expect to be the mean Grinch
Who's smile made Ghosts pale, who can make a wall flinch
But tonight dark events where all done the same
By the man who used the Stand, Twist Again
He collected them all, with a strange glow in his eyes
Perhaps we gone mad, and did not know why
He stood top the house of little Cindy Lou Who
Meeting your gaze, ready to face you
But lest he was stopped, Christmas would end
Now it's time to defeat him, with your own Stand
u/bestassinthewest Moving in the Dark R
u/TheRebornPotato One Fire
u/DifferencePhysical31 I Gave You Power R