Standoffs Submission Phase: Boss Battle Christmas!
It is that time of year again when all the good boys and girls and all in-between gather around the fire and really ask the question: can I beat a Stand User on Christmas?
Well get ready, because this month, 5 Stands have appeared to challenge you to see if you have what it takes to defeat them.
With Stands of Christmas past and present, be prepared to fight them one on one, or form a team to take them down. But not only that, these Stand Users have invaded worlds of Christmas time, meaning you have to save Christmas for not just one world, but many! Who can be responsible for such an event? Will you survive long enough to save Christmas future?
The follow Boss Stands, both new and old, and their locations are:
「Twist Again」in Whoville and Mount Crumpet (Jim Carry Version)
「Baby Metal」in the McCallister House
「House of the Rising Sun」in Nakatomi Plaza
「Guns N Roses」in the Polar Express Train
And due to not popular demand because it lost the poll, but i want it to be here for the trolling, its「Logic」in Bedford Falls
READ BEFORE POSTING In this new tournament style contest, users will face head to head in a 1v1 against the Stand boss, or join a team effort to victory. Note that you can only form teams with people within that Boss round, as everyone will be assigned to a different random Boss to fight with each advancement.
For team combat, one person is needed to write, while stating who is involved in the team. All team members must be active in strategy, and cannot be added once stated. All votes will be tallies together, then divided by the number of team members. In the event of a tie, the lowest vote from a team member will be eliminated.
Each boss will be beatable, and any team or person who beats said boss will gain immunity. In the event everyone gets immunity, lowest vote will be eliminated.
There will be 5 elements to consider as each battle will take place under these conditions. These conditions are Location, Time, Weather, Population and Awareness. These conditions are randomly generated and cannot be ignored, unless the Stand itself can change them naturally in their favor. Ignoring said conditions without the use of the Stand ability will result in a mod comment correcting the user. They are chosen at random every tournament.
In order to participate: You must have an existing Stand on the Reddit page, complete with ability, user and stats. Must be a legitimate Stand, so no "Joke" Stands. (In regards to the Potential Stat, any arguments surrounding this Stat will be monitored and must be cleared by a mod)
The Stand must have been made prior to the start of the tournament. This is to keep away "battle built" Stands that were specifically designed to win the specific battle.
You must link the page of the Stand in the comment section below within the set days of the announcement. Any submission passed those days will not be considered. Post may not be an Art post, as these types of posts win through popularity rather than substance. Art posts can be modified to text posts, but cannot link to the Art post. Post cannot come from submissions to the weekly Stand contest of that time, to keep both fair.
Posts will be vetted by moderators for level of OP. If it is considered, it will be brought up for further evaluation. If found too OP, the creator will be notified to change their Stands.
The correlation between Stats and description of said stat will also be monitored to show both are consistent with one another.
Note not every Stand submission allowed in one instance qualifies it for the next, as different and changing opinions about its power or rule change may disqualify/bar/invalidate it for a new Standoffs.
One post per submission.
The rules go as follow: Every set of days a round of fights begins. Each Stand will face 1v1, though in the event of an uneven bracket, special rounds may be created to even it out. Once the polling for the Stands are created, the creators must comment as to why their Stands will defeat the other in the comment section. They must solely argue from their perspective, as well as mention the conditions above within the argument. No other comments can be made until at least one creator has stated their reasoning. The creators may return to edit their response once posted, but must redact other posts that followed the original logic and lead. The mods are not responsible for reminding creators to make the comments. Failure to make a strategy on how they will win will result in a disqualification.
They are not allowed to promote their Stand anywhere. They may only answer questions given by viewers about their Stands, Stats and users, or give more clarification as to why they would win.
If your Stand happens to win, you proceed to the next round where the process repeats again until only 1 Stand remains. Requiem/Heaven stands are banned for general overpowered nature.
Post Mordem stands are barred due to lack of users. (Subject to change in future tournaments)
Stands with sub-Stands are barred, as it may be unfair to fight more than one Stand. (Subject to change in future tournaments)
ACT stands are barred, as to not give so many abilities. No accommodation for ACT stands are allowed.
Users must be living, human users. In the case where a user is given but no details about them are shown whatsoever, the personality of Koiche Hirose will be the default setting, as he is known to be a reliable guy. (Subject to change in future tournaments).
Weapon carry is prohibited unless needed by the Stand, like Sex Pistols or Manhattan Transfer. Weapons can be picked up from the area.
Time based stands are barred, as they have become too confusing and overpowered. (Subject to change.)
The act of Stand Phasing and Stand Flying must now be an ability a Stand must possess to do. This was reached due to the odd uses this ability allows, as well as most stands not using the ability unless it fits with its other abilities, save a few moments within the series.
The winner of said tournament will be offered a new flair, which they may accept or not. It will contain the name of their winning Stand. They also have the privilege of actively choosing to set 1 of the 5 elements in any way they may like.