My estranged grandfather.
25F Okay so long story short. My grandparents (Mom's parents) we're married but stayed separated for 50+ years, I am very estranged to my grandfather along with my other two siblings, he was never really in or made a huge impact in/on my life like my grandmother did. My grandmother was in my life until the day she passed from breast cancer in 2023, where as my grandfather was sort of a drifter basically. Anyways he also passed away a few weeks ago and my mother is upset with me because i was honest & told her that i really didn't know him & don't wish to go to his funeral, I get it that he was her father but from my pov that guy was a total stranger to me I only met him 3 times in my life, never had a connection/relationship with him he never showed up to any recitals, holiday parties, Graduations never even received a 'Happy Birthday' from him at all not, trying to sound narcissistic or anything from my last remarks. He didn't make any efforts to be in me or my siblings lives, I was more closer with my paternal grandfather (Dad's father) than him.
Point being is that it just feels a bit awkward to go to a funeral of someone you hardly knew, unless they made a productive impact on your life which he didn't.
Even emotionally or grieving wise I feel nothing.....compared to how I felt terrible when I lost my grandmother