Growing apart as we get older :(

Remember that line in The Office when Andy says "I wish there was a way to know you were in the good old days before you actually left them"? It's hitting super close to home right now :(

I (M32) grew up in a big, super tight-knit family (basically every weekend was hanging out with dif cousins, uncles, aunts). Truly the happiest memories of my life. But as adults some of us live farther away, the older generation has less energy to get together, and all the cousins are busy raising their own young families.

It's really bumming me out thinking of how the family used to be the main thing and we've kind of lost that feeling -- just hasn't been the same especially since COVID. We have a WhatsApp group but it's basically a bunch of links to articles and only occasionally photos/videos. Really what I want is to see people more often / know what's going on in their lives (woulda thought social media would help but nobody really posts to it anymore for obvious reasons).

Growing up is so much harder than I thought it would be :(