Version 2.0.38


  • Space platform "request missing materials for construction" will no longer request items for entity ghosts which can't yet be built. ( This should help to prevent over filling of hubs while larger platforms are being built.
  • Increased minimum sprite atlas size to 4096 even when sprite resolution is set to medium. more


  • Fixed a lua doc error with LuaSchedule::add_wait_condition(). more
  • Fixed a crash when changing the station in some wait conditions. more
  • Fixed that the mining dril status would be incorrect when out of resources and pointing at an entity to be deconstructed. more
  • Fixed that inserters would not show target full for space platform hubs. more
  • Fixed a crash when opening the changelog while trying to connect to a multiplayer game. more
  • Fixed that LuaSchedule::add_record() did not support rail_direction. more
  • Fixed that vehicle weapon tooltips did not show bonuses. more
  • Fixed achievement steamrolled can be earned while driving remotely. more
  • Fixed lab was not creating trash inventory of proper size when LabPrototype::trash_inventory_size was given. more
  • Fixed that the side menu buttons did not update when a player would change forces. more
  • Fixed that the filter selection GUI would get closed when a ghost buffer chest was built. more
  • Improved issue with fast moving bots sometime appearing on screen instead of flying in from off screen. more
  • Fixed issue which sometimes resulted in incorrect lightning protection visualisation for marginal setups more
  • Fixed cutting tiles marked for deconstruction could produce superfluous deconstructible tile proxies more
  • Fixed Steam achievements synchronisation issues. more
  • Fixed that having a camera widget on screen would cause issues with the rail plan finder. more
  • Fixed that resources with no minable products would not show a name when hovering in the map view.
  • Fixed some almost transparent pixels in the car and production group icons. more
  • Fixed that researching a technology would cause the input fields in constant combinators and requester chests to lose focus. more


  • Added the "infinity-cargo-wagon" entity type.
  • Added the "proxy-container" entity type.
  • Added SpiderVehicleGraphicsSet::default_color.
  • Unified entity_renderer_search_box_limits to 6 from all sides due to reduced update rate optimization of robots.
  • Reduced light_renderer_search_distance_limit to 20 to compensate for entity_renderer_search_box_limits change.


  • Added LuaSchedule::get_records(), set_records(), clear_records(), get_interrupts(), set_interrupts(), clear_interrupts().
  • Changed LuaSchedule::add_record() to purely add without any extra behavior.
  • Changed LuaSchedule::add_record() to accept index saying where the record is added.
  • Added LuaProxyContainerControlBehavior.
  • Added defines.inventory.proxy_main.
  • Added LuaEntity::proxy_target_entity and proxy_target_inventory.
  • Added LuaEntity::get_cargo_bays().
  • Added LuaPlayer::add_pin().
  • Added LuaPrototypeBase::factoriopedia_description read.
  • Added factoriopedia_alternative reads to all LuaPrototypes that support it.

Use the automatic updater if you can (check experimental updates in other settings) or download full installation at