K2SE Victory (finally)

Always loved reading these so here’s a quick summary of my run. -peaceful mode for this run and clearing planets ruined my enjoyment and UPS -Once unlocked did core mining only for the whole run even on nauvis (you get a lot of regular frags from other resources) -processed every resource including core frags on nauvis - once i got to space aimed for 10spm which was plenty -once unlocked i used a massive interchange for every resource to go up the elevator individually (uses a massive amount of infrastructure and space but well worth it) and stopped using rockets entirely - used an elevator on every planet to bring core frags up to spaceships and allows orbit solar to power each planet

Overall amazing mod coming into this i knew nothing about circuits and ended up designing my own arco balancer that never deadlocked on me and was the most rewarding part of the whole run just watching it work.

Heres some pics of random stuff Questions very Thankyou!