What/who is the Abundance Agenda book for?

So Ezra Klein just released his new book- Abundance. So like Yglessia's latest book seems to be a pretty conservative market based solution tied to a noun that is suppossed to get it some marketing.

Politically it seems like a reaction to China and Dengism but without the strength of the state or the clearing house of the cultural revolution. So I don't really get it.

So I guess the question is.

Who is this for?

How is this different from Third Way neoliberalism? I don't really think this is even really a rebranding. At best it seems like Giddens but written by a person that is not really interested in ideas or cutting the welfare state.

Edit: Okay I read some of his work. It is pretty dull as dishwasher techno optimism via cutting regulation with the great enemies being 70s environmentalism and Nader. A lot of sub Richard Florida stuff tied with cheap American nationalism and blue state nonsense. Some of it is a reaction to China but they are not going to make a developmentist state. Yeh this is just reheated Third Way stuff but they figured out that attacking the welfare state is not a winning strategy.

Got to say I admire him and Yglessia's ability to brand. It's little bit more then the utter vapidity he presented on Doomscrool but not by much.

I guess you could see it suceededing as the intellectual partner of anti Trump but I think they really screwed it with Biden.