Would you rather live in a cheaper country and earn a lot, but the society is not that good and doesn't suit you very well or live in a country where the society suits you well, but your earning is average?
I'm currently living in a cheaper country, and my salary is actually higher than the one I would be earning if I move to the country I want to move to. Another plus side here is that I could save the full amount of my salary as they provide me food and accommodation. So, my saving could be used for my hobbies and travel. However, if I end up moving to another country, I might find the people that suit me better. I might have a better society, and I might as well have access to higher quality things. But my earning would be average at best. What would be the best course of action I should take?
PS. I didn't mention the countries because I wanted the opinions to be as neutral as possible. Let's think of this as an imaginary scenario lol