polygamy should be allowed!? (🤡)

A muslim point of view why polygamy should be allowed

Women = pathetic sad creatures who waste their lives wanting a perfect man (basically her entire LIFE REVOLVES AROUND FINDING A MAN!!!!!)

Men = Totally not sex creatures but in reality really powerful superheroes of the world (basically modern day batman) with dicks that are hard 24/7 for multiple women but they also save widows and divorced women because they are oh so lost and how would they ever recover from a lost of a man WITHOUT ANOTHER MAN???

Because men are such generous, selfless, and helpful creatures—always ready to lend a hand (or, uh.. something else) to as many women as possible. Truly, their hearts (and definitely not just their dicks) are so big that limiting them to one woman would be a crime against humanity! And after all, come ON. it’s PURELY about helping women. The erections? Just a coincidence. The desire and lust for multiple wives? Purely altruistic! These noble warriors are just out here doing God’s work everyone!!! making sure no woman ever has to spend a second without a strong, guiding, penis-powered presence in her life.

Lol. The post screams hypocrisy and victim blaming and that “Men should get multiple wives because they want to, and women should just deal with it.” The mental gymnastics here could qualify for the Olympics.