I can’t believe I’m actually writing this post right now, it’s finally my turn to say that I took off hijab, I’ve been visualizing and dreaming of this moment since last year. I used to come here every time and look for any stories of girls that did it, I would read them and get inspiration and courage from them and see what was actually possible, and I’m so grateful for that, so if this sounds like you, I’m writing this post for you<3

Last week, I went to my first day at uni this year without it on, it felt a little scary at first, my heart was beating so fast but I had the support of my best friend who was hyping me up the whole time, we had classes so I met with almost everyone I know for the first time after summer break, everyone was literally sooo sweet I thought I was dreaming, complimenting my looks and saying how pretty I looked. I don’t need the external validation to feel pretty or good about myself but it felt soo nice being instantly accepted and celebrated like that, literally no questions were asked, just happy to see me, it felt so liberating and I finally felt like myself again, one girl was even happy that I took it off, and I have to point out that I live in a muslim country so that felt very refreshing. I also felt the wind blowing on my face and hair and it was one of the most beautiful feelings I felt in a good while.

I came to the conclusion that people will either be happy for you and show it, or if it’s the opposite they will not say anything or have any bad reaction, they could then gossip and talk behind your back but honestly who cares, as long as they’re respectful when in front of me, they can think whatever they want, I’m safe and I will be ok, I know who I am and I’m confident and unapologetically myself, and when you’re like that most people won’t dare to cross boundaries with you. Even if you don’t feel the confidence just fake it until you get used to this new situation, just like I did, remember it only feels scary cause it’s new and different and outside of our comfort zone, but quickly the comfort zone will adjust naturally.

I want to tell you guys about exactly where I started and the mindset that I had at the time, cause I want you to see how much growth anyone can have if they have enough faith and courage, cause if I could do it I promise anyone can.

I left Islam exactly one year ago in September, it was one of the most difficult times in my life, I went through a deep existential crisis and had suicidal ideation for a while, until I was able to get used to and cope with my new reality. I remember sitting in my room and it suddenly hit me, that omg… I actually wear hijab, why did I ever wear it? Now I’m stuck forever under this scarf that I don’t even believe in, I felt a very scary and sinking feeling in my chest, I felt trapped, I felt like I was wasting my youth and beauty for some stupid nonsense, I wanted to experience life like other girls, I cried so much, and it didn’t occur to me at all that taking it off was even an option, it didn’t even cross my mind, that’s how far that idea was for me. But then, after letting out a good cry I could see more clearly, I realized that I don’t have to wear it forever, I know some people who took it off and I could do it too someday, why not me? Someday it will be me, well not me exactly, but another braver and bolder version of me, a girl who is authentic to herself, doesn’t crumble at the thought of being seen or judged by others, and doesn’t have social anxiety lol. The idea felt very far and surreal like from a whole other parallel universe or something, but I had to keep the faith that that day would come, somehow, by some miracle, and it did. (the miracle was actually me believing in myself enough to say fuck it and doing what I want)

I also remember thinking to myself once before I fall asleep, what if even after five years, I would’ve still not managed to take it off yet, because of the societal pressure and the anxiety I felt, and that felt scary, so I made a promise to myself that I would make it happen as soon as possible, but I would also take my time and do it at my own pace, until I felt ready, and when the time comes I will know.

I tried to convince my parents for months, I’ve even seen a therapist about this and they said that my parents don’t have to approve, that I don’t need their green light and that I have to be ok with them being mad and disappointed at me, until they eventually let it go and get over it, so that was good advice, but it unfortunately wasn’t very helpful in my case cause my dad can get pretty scary and physically violent, both my parents are very religious, especially my mom, there’s a very toxic environment in our household and growing up I would always try to please my mom but I always felt like I could never be enough, so me disappointing them was triggering this childhood trauma that I had, and my fear for my safety held me back for quite some time as well.

I thought of ending my life a couple times but deep down I knew that I would never do it, life is too precious to waste just like that, no one deserves to take it from me and I deserve to live, and that’s what kept me going, so after a whole year of trying to convince them I decided that I’ve had enough, in the meantime I had built my confidence and improved my relationships and social skills, I made new friends and tried to surround myself with supportive people who are good to me and I distanced myself from toxic people or friends that don’t share the same values as me and I know wouldn’t support me, cause having a good support system is so important, especially for one’s mental well-being. Whenever I used to get the chance I would take off my scarf when going out, I would upload stories to my Instagram to normalize this image in people’s minds before I completely take it off and get to meet them like that face to face, uploading those stories felt scary but I would always only get heart reactions and compliments, I also hid the stories from some specific people that I don’t trust. this was a very good strategy for me so no one was shocked when they saw me without it at uni last week, highly recommend if you get the chance, but each situation is different.

Anyways, now I don’t wear it when I go out, but I unfortunately still have to do it in front of family and whenever I’m with my parents, because I’m actually scared of my dad being physically aggressive towards me and making my life even harder (I take it off outside when I go out and put it back on when I get back- but I literally told them multiple times that I will do that so they should know by now if they weren’t in denial, idk, I think they only care about their image in front of neighbors and family members, so that’s the compromise that I accepted to make). I’m still not financially independent but I’m actively working on it, I also plan on moving to another country after a couple years and that’s my biggest objective at the moment. Thank you guys for reading this whole thing, please pray for me (if you do that) and for my safety and protection, I’m trying to stay low key, avoid getting caught or having any unnecessary confrontation, and I don’t plan on coming out to family at the moment cause that will only cause drama and unnecessary stress and worries. I know that there might be some challenges but for now I’m trying to live my life and avoid problems until I’m in a better situation, maybe I’ll do an update in the future if anything changes.

Good luck to any girl reading this who’s struggling with the same thing, I’m rooting for you, and I’m sending you a lot of positive energy and courage, trust that you can make it work when the time is right for you, and in the way that works for you, and if you don’t believe in yourself just know that I believe in you cause I went through this and I know that you can do it, I’m proud of you and I love you all.

TLDR: Took off hijab after one year of becoming exmuslim after feeling stuck and depressed for so long, felt amazing, got over social anxiety (just enough to do it), people were so nice, not as scary as I thought, not even close, still have to hide it from parents and family tho for my safety but it’s still amazing progress and it only gets better from here.

Sorry if there are any typos it’s 3am here.