Tennis Shoes Among the Nephites?

Is it possible to go back and read this series and enjoy it even through a "fantasy genre" lens?

Y'all, I used to love this series. I still own my signed copies. I remember the characters, the plot lines, quotes, mental visualizations and much more. I love the idea of being able to explore "historical" times with modern characters. My home library is full of fantasy series.

It hasn't even been 2.5 years and I'm still in my angry phase, but the nostalgia of wanting to reread childhood series is hitting hard.

Is it even possible to read these books as pure fantasy instead of "historical fiction" and still enjoy them? Same thing with The Work and the Glory, and the BoM series by Heather Moore... I got rid of most of my church books, but as a bibliophile, I have a hard time tossing complete series. Much of my family is still in, so I figure I can always loan the books if someone asks, even if I never touch them again.

I guess I'm just missing the old familiarity and looking to see other thoughts and experiences on the matter. Has anyone ever been able to reread these without being severely triggered?