Outer darkness vs telestial vs terrestrial vs hell
Where are we going friends??
My seminary teacher used to say the only people going to outer darkness were those who had SEEN and known Jesus and then rejected him, which was like three people - Judas and a couple of the 1800s apostles. But a straight reading of the doctrine (imo) would mean your run-of-the-mill exmo is going to outer darkness because we "received of the gospel in its fullness" or whatever the quote is and then walked away. It definitely was something I worried about as a TBM, that if I wasn't faithful enough I would go to outer darkness - I guess I believed telestial/terrestrial were for people who didn't know about the church or at least never belonged to it... which meant since I was born in the covenant, my options were limited to the traditional heaven/hell dichotomy (celestial/outer darkness).
Curious what you all were taught/internalized about where exmos were going vs nonmembers.
Also - did you still have a fear of fire and brimstone hell (which I did) despite the church trying to tell us that was a metaphor and that hell simply meant separation from God (sounds like heaven to me)?