Missions need a big overhaul.

I dropped my son off at the MTC today. 7 years as a PIMO, and I am so sick about it. It’s not the first time doing this, and it just cuts me to the core still. I never thought I’d be doing this again, years after not believing, just to keep a good marriage. (Husband knows most of how I feel already.) But my son’s good heart, strong body, and two years of his life are being exploited for free labor.

Back to the most childish rules- phones monitored, no games or balls in the MTC, no musical instruments, (“you may check them out from the library!”) basically if it’s fun- it’s not for you.

I can’t help but wonder why so many holds are placed on missionaries. And what I wouldn’t give for a MUCH shorter mission for them- I’m totally in favor of a year or even -18 months MAX. The church shoots itself in the foot by doing this length for elders IMO. Anecdotally, all the HS friend group (20+ elders now) all dreaded the 2 year “sentence.”

Curious what other changes to missions you’d like to see.