Missionary Masturbation - lol, but also genuinely curious

On my mission I went about two months or so before masturbating (after "struggling" with it prior). When I did, I felt guilty and confessed to my mission president. Throughout my mission I fought hard against it but would give in once every month or two. I told my MP every time. He was generally pretty cool about it but on a few occasions he did seem a little irritated, like I wasn't trying hard enough or something.

Looking back, it makes me wonder what other missionaries were doing. Were they masturbating but not telling the MP? I have a hard time believing that many 19-21 year old boys weren't spilling their seed.

Maybe they were confessing and my MP's irritation was due to the fact that his missionaries were all horn dogs (AKA normal young men).

I'm curious to hear from others. Did you masturbate on your mission? If so about how often? Did you ever confess to your MP? How were you recieved?

For anyone who went two years without jerkin' the gherkin, how'd you go so long? Was it hard for you? (pun not intended).

Or is the old saying true, "99% of guys masturbate and the other 1% is lying."

If any women have something to share I'm curious to hear about your experiences as well.