Parents left me $1
My dad died a few years ago (he was raised a JW, never baptized, never active). He was in ant out of the hospital a lot during his last few years. Apparently during one of his stints in the hospital him and my mom (not raised a JW, baptized, not active) had a will drafted. The witness was the hospitals JW representative.
Present day, my moms health is rapidly declining, i went no contact with hera few months ago. I am DF’ed, but my parents had quite a bit of contact with me since they would need money, would be on my phone plan, my car insurance (always a people pleaser and trying to get in there good favor 🤦♀️). My sister (never baptized, POMO) has been helping my mom get into assisted living. Yesterday she found the will that was drafted and signed in 2017, in it she was to inherit all the assets (my parents trailer, property, 7+ POS broke down cars)… I got $1. During the time it was written we are all in great terms.
As of now there is nothing for anyone to inherit, bankruptcy was filed a few years back, trailer was demolished, property sold to pay creditors, cars junked.
Should I send my mom that $1 so that she will have it to go towards my inheritance:/
Just to clarify, I am amused at how petty their slight was attempted to be.. A dollar? For real? There isn’t even going to be that to inherit. She is going to a state run assisted living center, she has no car, she is classified as homeless. My sister called laughing to see if i would be willing to split my inheritance since she will get nothing