What's the most stupid thing a Christian has ever told you?

One time, a Christian told me, “If God isn’t real, then why are we the only smart creatures?” That question assumes humans are uniquely intelligent, but research proves otherwise. Anthrodenial is when people refuse to see the similarities between human and animal cognition. The other apes, for example, exhibit remarkable intelligence. Chimpanzees make and use tools—like sticks to extract termites or leaves as drinking cups. Bonobos and chimpanzees can learn sign language and even form simple sentences. Orangutans have been observed planning for the future and mimicking human actions. Some chimps even outperform humans in short-term memory tasks. What I was getting from him is that he considered every animal to be instinct driven which is not true, Chimpanzees display empathy, fairness, and grief, showing a sense of morality. Bonobos resolve conflicts peacefully, and orangutans pass down knowledge across generations.