Has anyone here taken an interest in demonolatry and/or demonology since leaving Christianity?
I’ve always listened to a lot of death metal and black metal, both of which frequently have hell, demons, Lucifer and other related things as subject matter, but I’m surprised about how long it’s taken me to actually look into this topic.
Recently I was thinking about that movie Hereditary. In that movie, there’s mention of this king of Hell named Paimon. At the time I saw this movie, I had never heard of Paimon, nor had I ever heard about kings of Hell or any sort of hierarchy. So I did some research recently and discovered the lesser key of Solomon, and the Ars Goetia. There’s a whole pantheon in Hell, apparently. 70+ beings, making it similar to Greek, Egyptian, Roman, and Nordic mythology. The difference being that they’re almost all fallen angels, and they have different meanings and purposes.
I’m not saying you have to believe in it. I just enjoy this stuff. One of the things it was nice to kind of get back after casting off my Christian faith was a willingness to learn about other faiths. I think I avoided this one for a while because you have to believe in the Christian god’s existence in order to believe in those demons. It’s a dumb reason to not take interest in them, though, because I’ve studied many other pantheons now without believing they were real. Now that I’m doing this one, I’m intrigued, and wish I had looked into them sooner.