“It’s because you have a praying mother”

Hello everyone! I hope your week is off to a good start!

So I recently moved. My living conditions were pretty awful in my previous location. Well, I was on some apartment waiting list. My social worker made a bit of a stink over how long I had been waiting and it caused them to realize that they had the date wrong in their system, for when I applied. This moved me up the list to being the next in line with an opening. I moved shortly after.

My mother then feels the need to call me and tell me that it was her god that was the reason I got this apartment. She had been praying for me to get a place soon and her god did it. So I told her about how my social worker was the hero here. The response I got was something to the effect of “rather you chose to believe it or not. The fact you have a praying mother is the reason.”

My cousin quit nicotine, fucking A. Like, she did that shit. That’s wonderful. She fucking quit!!! I am struggling so hard trying myself.

She won’t take any credit for it. It is all her god. She never could have done it without her god. It really bothers me that a lot of xians can’t give credit to people, or take credit for themselves, when it is due. If I quit nicotine I would be throwing a parade in my honor. On that note, my social worker deserved the credit for my move. Not their god, or rather my mother on behalf of their god.

In closing, you don’t “choose to believe” things. You either do or you don’t, you are convinced or you are not convinced.