Does anyone feel like they’ll revert?

Don’t worry, I’m not a secret Christian. I’m not trying to spread “the gospel” by creating intentional doubt. Not rage baiting or attention seeking. For sure others have been.

“There are no atheists in a foxhole”. And in my deathbed, will there not be a temptation to say “if you’re real, I’m sorry”?

The conviction of Christian theology. The struggle and bleak reality of atheism and life. More so us of all people, since we’ve seen both sides.

What person hasn’t thought of an ex?

As frugal, as cruel, as evil, as depraved, as horror as “He” is; which of us doesn’t have the temptation to look at the floor and wait … for the acclimation of all things religion and life: death.

Tl;dr: did you ever feel like going back to religion, despite everything you know about it? Why?