im exhausted

i have only been on exchange for not even a month and i’m so so so exhausted. i’m on a 3 month exchange wich isn’t so long but i already want to leave, im so isolated i bearly talk to my family maybe once a week for 5 minuets, i can bearly talk to my friends since the time difference is horrific. I share a room and bed with my host sibling, and i can sense they are annoyed at my presence sometimes but there is no where else in the house i can hangout at as we live in a apartment, the lounge room kitchen and dinning room are all one place so i feel bad sitting there a lot because the couch only has two seats so if i sit then both of the pearents can’t sit. i also had my birthday over here wich was fine everyone here is so nice and i have made so many good connections. i just can’t keep annoying my host sibling(they will never tell me if im annoying them but its very obvious sometimes) i feel like im just the awkward 3rd wheel all the time. also my dog died a week after i left home, i love it here so much but i can’t keep constantly having this feeling of being a burden. this post probably makes no sense but im so lost and i have no idea what to do.