Is it normal to get a host family late?
I’m 16 from a southeast asian country. (Going exchange in the US this year) Currently in the organization (my country), there are around 13 of us who haven’t gotten our hosts yet and we’ve been waiting hopelessly for the past 3-4 weeks. I know this might look like I’m impatient but I just want to see some progress and I also want to know how is the progress of other kids getting hosts from different countries. And what was the last year hosting situation like in the US? Did you guys got your hosts late? and are average American households looking forward to host more kids in this year? By the way, they would cut off the deadline of getting host fams at the end of next month, August. So if you’re reading this, please tell others to host kids, I don’t mind living with elders, single moms or any specific family. I just want to be there and experience life and exchange my cultures to you all on my own once.😭❤️❤️❤️