Thoughts about the "end times" and Sunday Law
Hi all, I'm still fairly new to this subreddit and am currently in the process of deconstruction, particularly with the SDA church.
I'll give a little background on myself. I was born in the church, baptised at 12 and I'm currently still a participating member in the church and attend on a (mostly) weekly basis. However, I have been in recent years questioning and finding myself disagreeing with a lot of SDA doctrine. I'm also not really well-versed with Ellen White, nor have I read any of her books in full, so never really followed closely to her ideologies (and also found it quite strange at times when I would see others at church hold her to a really high standard).
One of my biggest gripes, especially in recent years, is hearing about the end times and Sunday Law. And I have grown a lot more skeptical towards it (especially the Sunday Law) the more I have looked into it.
In short, my current thinking is regarding the "end times", that there has been so much happening in history that honestly could be a pointer to that Jesus is coming. I constantly think about how SDAs probably were convinced that Jesus was returning during WWI and WWII. To me, it's just more apparent that now with the age of social media and other media, we are exposed to so much more to what is happening compared to even 30 years ago.
And then with Sunday Law, while Project 2025 seems to be pointing to it being a possibility, I find it odd that it would then only be applicable to the USA if Trump gets re-elected and those policies would go through (which just on seeing the current political climate and campaigning from both parties, I personally don't believe he will win). I'm also Australian, and again don't see it being applicable here or anywhere else out of the US. Not to mention the numbers of those identifying as religious has gone down in the past decade. It really didn't seem plausible that democratic, secular societies that pride themselves on freedom would even consider it and then would instill a law that is supposed to then be used to persecute against Sabbath keepers?
Just want to hear people's thoughts on here specifically. I know it's probably an overdone topic but it had particularly been bothering me recently with a lot of people in my local church and even my parents, constantly declaring that the end is near.