Does nobody else find it ironic

That with the recent aucfit "stealings" no one has even cared to point out that if an aucfit is able to be so easily replicated that maybe, just maybe, it was a rip-off? People pay millions of sd, sc, rares etc for aucfits and then wake up the next day to see it has been stolen off their avi and thrown in the cc, but never questioned just how easy it was to do that..? That the "millions worth" fit consists of cheapo in-shop items? Aucfits nowadays have become a cash grab and yet people still call them original masterpieces, what kinda masterpiece is that easy to repeat lmao? Anyways just wanted to point it out bc everyones been clutching their pearls over it recently, and ofc no hate to the people who actually make good worthwhile aucfits that can't be duped.