Giveaways and a Friendly Crew
Legend of Rogue X is a corporation that works hard to give opportunities to pilots who are willing to accept it.
What we offer:
-2 different discord servers, one for our giveaways and the other for private corp use
-Structures next door to our HQ so that you can reprocess and manufacture the goods you want
-Highsec pve fleets
-Pvp fleets if enough people are willing to participate
-Corp hangers so you dont have to buy your own ammo (etc)
-Doctrines and ships ready to be lent out to newbros to give them a jump start to making better isk
-A great bunch of guys to hang out with and ask questions
What you need to enter:
-Common sense and the willingness to take on our advice
Giveaway Server link: (ping me when you enter the server as i may not be online)