Missed opportunity on Kats and Jules relationship

i am very sad how the series missed or never tried to bother to develop a relationship between Kat and Jules (not in romantic way of course) lets not forget that Kat was Jules First friend in School yet like many things in the show the plot always forgets about it which is a shame because both of the characters have so much in common like the constant need for male attention and approval, how they deal with body issues, how they use social media and internet to escape, how they use sex to feel better about themselves without realizing that its not what they need.

i would kill to just have an episode of them just sitting in a room or a cafe and just talk about their common issues with each other like Rue and Ali in the Special episode. after all Euphorias best parts are always when they focused on one subject and dissect it as much as possible.

i don't know if i should be hopeful if they will improve in season 3 but i think i should keep my expectations low and hope someone will write a fanfic about these two.