Unpopular Opinion - I Actually Like All Of The Characters And Have Empathy For Them
my unpopular opinion about this show is that i like all of the characters. no matter how many mistakes they make, i genuinely am interested in them and feel bad for them. i like watching their journeys, good or bad, and i always hope for the best for them.
it's weird to me to see so many comments be like "i hate this character now" "they're the villain now" "this episode made me hate them" "they can't come back from this" "they're just a bad person" or choosing sides when two characters have a conflict instead of seeing both of their perspectives. or even worse hoping they get beat up or killed? like damn, these are high school students....
the creator and actors of this show have stressed that they hope people feel empathy watching these characters and can extend that to people they know in real life, but sadly i'm not seeing that happen. if anything, this show seems to fill people with intense vitriol and anger towards flawed people which is so strange.
kat - people were loving her funny one liners this season and now that she did one annoying, immature thing they hate her?
rue - people are back on her side for the most part as they usually are, but for a little while people were saying everyone should just give up on her and it was better if she died? wtf?
cassie - this girl makes a mistake and sleeps with her best friend's ex, and people now ignore her trauma and want her to be assaulted by maddy and abused by nate? and saying she deserves whatever he does to her?
jules - jules cheated after feeling neglected and being lied to by rue, and people as usual hate her and call her a villain and whore and say she's as bad as nate and should be killed off and deserves to be verbally abused?
maddy - most people are loving her right now, but still people have said she's a horrible person
nate and cal - i feel bad for both of these characters and what they've been through in life. that doesn't excuse their actions, but even when they're doing super messed up i still like them in an enjoyable villain, love to hate type of way.
does anyone else just enjoy this show and the people in it for what they are?