Rue's 10 minute-meltdown is not a "badass moment" and is not something you should be cheering on
DISCLAIMER: This is not a Rue hatepost, just an insight on how we can better analyze that 10 minute meltdown because it truly is beautiful and horrifying at the same time.
I commented on another post here about Rue's 10 minute breakdown scene in S02E05, but I just wanted to give it more emphasis.
I think that a lot of people are missing the point of Rue's 10 minute breakdown. I'm really sad that some are looking at it as a "badass moment" where she "reads" the people in the room and put everyone "in their place". Let's remember that drug addiction is not your typical teenage drama like Maddy and Cassie's situation. What Rue did is not something anyone should be cheering on/celebrating. That 10 minute scene shows us the really really dark and sad side of drug addiction: burning bridges and falling deep into the pit of desperation because of drugs.
Let's make it clear that whatever Rue was saying was the effect of a lot of things: Withdrawals, Anger, Frustration. She was NOT in her right mind.
Drug addiction can make people do harsh and unspeakable things out of frustration and desperation. And that was exactly what Rue was doing to everyone in the room. She was trying to provoke everyone in the room by telling them insane things because she is so frustrated that she can't feed her addiction anymore + she lost the suitcase. Rue was provoking everyone for the sake of provoking them and even putting their support (for her sobriety) against them. That's why Jules was saying "I love you" over and over again, because she knows that drug addicts don't really 100% mean whatever crazy thing they say. (Note: Jules' mother went down to addiction as well)
You're telling me that Elliot and Jules were wrong for telling Leslie that her drug addict child is doing drugs again? Was Leslie wrong for not wanting Rue to go through another overdose? And for those who do not know, Fentanyl is the deadliest and ugliest drug there is in the market. And no, this is not an attempt to justify the Jules x Elliot situation, because this scene was NOT about that and never was. They'll probably deal with it in another ep.
Plus, people forget that Rue was running away from Leslie and Gia because she was experiencing withdrawal + wanted to take drugs again. Ofcourse, aside from the fact that she stole stuff from people's houses to pay for the suitcase. She even TRIED to steal Fez' grandma's pills. Even provoked Ali in the other episode.
This scene should not patronize NOR villify Rue. But that scene was simply just a vehicle to show Euphoria's message that drugs are not glamorous. It makes you do ugly things and you eventually lose everyone you love. This season showcases how low can Rue go. And I'm rooting for her to change her ways.
EDIT: Again, this is NOT a Rue hatepost. This post is also not a post to uplift/justify any other characters involved in the scene (because again, it was not about them). This post is solely about the ugly things drug addiction has led Rue to do to her loved ones. Let's all look forward to her sobriety