Why is the AI so damn anti-player?

I'm playing as Ratanpur for the Indian horde achievement and was going my merry way when my ally Jaunpur struck out into a war I didn't call them into, to snatch a 4 development province I declared the war for.

It doesn't have a claim there. It does not accept the religion nor the culture of the province, it did not even show the province as a province of interest, and I had it as "vital interest"
The vehement and downright hateful focus the AI in this game has against the player is way too much lately. You used to be able to ally the Ottomans, now they'll want to conquer your land wherever it is if they're close enough

Even allies just straight up do their best to keep you from developing.

Now I get it, if it's a total wash it would be boring and it's to keep the game interesting etc.
But allies with high trust still doing their best to disrupt me?
Come on.

What do you guys think?