FAQs regarding admission to ETH Zurich for international Applicants

Edit: Mostly directed at Bachelor applicants

As to avoid getting swarmed by admissions inquiries (like the recent ones), here is a little guide if you are thinking about posting a question here. First of all, read the official FAQ webpage: https://ethz.ch/en/studies/bachelor/application/non-swiss-matriculation-certificate/faq.html

If you’ve read all that and you still have a question then don’t be this person “I looked everywhere on the website but I didn’t find anything about …” There are a lot of questions like this but 99.9% of them are just the user being lazy and not wanting to read around. The university website does have all the info or list relevant documents. Try to be independent, at ETH you’ll need it.

But everyone makes mistakes so here is a rundown of the most important ones:What is the language of instruction? German C1 is required for Bachelors and Proficient English for all degrees above. Some classes in both cases may be in the other language, but the requirements remain for all fields.

*Pastes Profile* What are my chances of getting in? What type of admissions will I receive? At bachelors level ETH’s admission process is non-competitive (even with the admissions test), that is everyone who fulfills a given set of requirements gets in so it’s not really a matter of chance. That means potentially every candidate could get in if they all passed the test or fulfilled the requirements. Here are the admissions criteria for all high school diplomas: https://www.swissuniversities.ch/en/topics/studying/admission-to-universities/countries It will tell you whether you get in automatically, with just passing a non-competitive short test or with a longer test. At masters level the general consensus is to visit the grad cafe website to check accepted profiles but feel free to post if you want to connect with students to tell you their experiences in the program.

“I know it says x but I have everything else/this unlisted “alternative”/am an exceptional candidate in this other regard, will they make an exception”?

No they won’t. As I said, ETH becomes highly selective during your studies (hence the large failure rate) but to get in, it doesn't really matter whether you are an IMO gold, or interned at NASA). However, conversely it does matter a lot that you fulfill the guidelines/prereqs they demand. In general ETH is very blunt with what they want so almost always the answer will be negative if you are going against something they specifically say. That counts for cut-off scores in exams (you got 16/20 instead of 17 average), for certificates (achieved German C1 with 79% but not 80%), or courses (you took a Humanities course which isn’t recognized by ETH instead of Economics or Business in High School) and similar stuff. If you have a question of this nature just email it to the Admissions Centre but don’t expect much.

Can i take the Bachelors entrance exam online?

Sadly, no :( I feel you on this one.

How should I study/how hard is the entrance exam?

The exam is a a lot harder than a common curriculum course and a bit harder but mostly different than any given advanced HS course in Physics and math (A levels, IB, AP), and Swiss Matura exams (which they are supposed to mirror) so the best advice is to stay with past exam papers (https://janiks.me/projects/eth/entrance_exam/). General Advice, tutoring and textbooks given by ETH can be found here: https://ethz.ch/en/studies/bachelor/application/non-swiss-matriculation-certificate/eth-entrance-examination.html

I hope this reduces the influx of admissions questions and for those who found this guide helpful, I wish you the best in getting into ETH. See you all there!

Language requirements (for masters):


For IB students, quite detailed requirements:


P.D. Feel free to link this post if you see a very obvious question in the sub