US Roasters with half caff options that do subscription/delivery?
Hey everyone, I’m looking to crowd source some opinions on roasters you enjoy that offer lower caffeine options. I’ve started having higher blood pressure recently, so I’m looking to cut back on my caffeine intake. I’d be interested in hearing about decaf options you like as well; I usually make 2-3 espresso drinks in a day, so I would prefer to start with dialing back my caffeine rather than stopping cold turkey, and then maybe transitioning to decaf from there.
Currently I have a local source that roasts and sends out orders on Mondays, and I’ll receive it Tuesday afternoon. You can’t beat that freshness with most delivery options! They do have a decaf option, but again I’m looking to maybe go to a reduced caffeine option first.
It’s been pretty difficult trying to dig through google results (I end up at a lot of shop pages that only offer decaf), so I’d appreciate any insight you all have!