Who are your rolemodels?
Humans have a tendency to mimic other humans. This happens unconsciously and consciously and is a rather crucial part of our relationships for example making attitudes more similar = cohesion. In short mimicry makes life less complex.
In relation to this Ive recently thought a lot about the complexity of being an ENTP. One part of the complexity is that we are Fi blind meaning it's hard for us to understand our desires, feelings and identity. Another part is that ENTPs are highly chaotic people, thriving off of novelty and competition. Third part is that we are contradictory: we like socializing and yet we have no problem arguing with a bunch of strangers causing conflict. We respect power yet we despise hierarchies and authority. We strive to be individual thinkers yet we crave the acceptance of others.
And so by default chaos is the absence of order. And I think our complexity is due to lack of order in many areas of life.
My complexity has lead me to unhealthy habits, unhealthy relationships and a lack of clear path in life. And one thing I realized is maybe I need a role model who has similar complexity as me but has somehow been able to accomplish good things in life. A role model who could present a path for me to follow. A path that would bring order to my life. And so far there's only few who have traits that I admire:
- Conan O'Brien (ENTP. made a thread about his accomplishments)
- Mark Manson (ENTP)
- Hank Moody (ENTP,and lol, yes he has alot of unhealthy habits but he also has a great attitude about life and toward his loved ones)
Do you have any rolemodels?