do I have endo?
Hi all,
I'm 18 yrs old and I have almost always struggled with my periods. By that I mean that I experience extreme pain on my period (the worst pain is when I'm passing through a massive blood clot). I frequently get pelvic pain and back pain. I also get multiple periods a month with the pill not helping. I have low iron due to my periods due to the amount of blood loss and I become extremely bloated before and after periods (usually around half a week, same with the pelvic and back pain). A couple years ago I had an ultrasound for PCOS which came out negative. Before even explaining all my symptoms to my GP, she said that it is quite likely but doesn't see any point doing a lap as I'm going to have the same treatment as I would if I did have endo (injections and then coil if injections don't work).
I was just wondering how likely it is that I have endo or I'm just a bit unlucky having heavy and painful periods.
Thank you for reading and I can't wait for responses!