spiraling out of control- please help
so about two weeks ago i got sick. i had terrible d* and tu* once. i’ve been fine since then but still really struggling with eating and recognizing anxiety symptoms versus being sick. today i was on a flight and this lady had a b*** bag and was tu. she kept walking back and forth and i was shaking so bad. i forgot a mask so the whole flight i covered my mouth with my sweatshirt, wrapping my hands around it so no air got in. i’m back home now and even more panicked cause i keep reading and hearing how bad it is this year. i’m trying the coca cola trick, going to get grapeseed oil hopefully tomorrow and activated charcoal. i’m so so so scared. i’m doing my best at washing my hands but i just feel helpless. i also feel hungry but my acid reflux is so terrible ever since tu. it makes me so anxious to eat. please help with advice.