day 5 selfie until drew or enya notice!!!! (christmas around the corner)

Hey everyone!!! Just leaving these lil pics here. We officially made it to day five of the challenge!! I have some plans for Thanksgiving and Christmas special selfies. Today I just had a lot of fun at work. I’m going to eat more chips and hot cocoa more pizza anyways y’all I just wanted to check in with everyone and see how everyone’s doing my last post was getting kind of downvoted because it looks like people weren’t chilling with me but that’s fine because I don’t care what people that don’t have anything nice to say says (except for the person who called me cute thank youuuu) and y’all could be mad all you want but I don’t care🙃 I am living life and I’m slaying with my go getter mentality every day of my life. i’m really hoping Drew or enya drop Christmas merch this year because I’m trying to go all out in the Christmas spirit. I think squirt squad or oiled up booty Twerking compilation shirt would be really lit, i’m definitely going to wear that to work💀

QUESTION ON OF THE DAY: What is everyone’s favorite moment in emergency intercom? Also what’s your favorite thanks giving food, mine is definitely green bean casserole. ❤️❤️