Bringing my 67 year old dad to his first EDC!
He started raving back in the 80s (he said ToonTown but I'm not familiar), hasn't been in about 25 years but didn't want to let me go by myself again. Tips? Tricks? Advice? He's feeling a little nervous about partying all night and being "too old" for EDC, but I think it'll be awesome for him to see how far the production value has come.
We didn't get VIP, but we did go snag GA+, shuttle passes, and a nice hotel on the strip. Also thinking of trying to convince him to splurge on a helicopter in one of the nights-- if you've done it, how was it? Worth it to see EDC from the sky?
Anyone else going with their parents or older family? Any older ravers want to reassure him he won't be "too old" to hang?