Failed to find geo_point, even with mapping defined as geo_point
I'm having a bit of a headache setting up geo_point data in Elastic Search and was hoping someone might be able to help clear this up!
I'm using the latest .Net client (8.11) and Kibana.
As the title says, my geo_point mapping isn't working. It seems fine when you look at the document, however when I run the search and I get a query_shard_exception
bit of background on how it's set up:
The index is created using the .Net client, and I assign this field to be a geo_point
when I create the index, the rest of the fields are set automatically when the document is indexed.
When the index has been created the mapping returns as the correct type
When I ingest the data, the c# Type used is Elatsitc.Clients.ElasticSearch.GeoLocation
However, when I run this query I get "reason": "failed to find geo field [cottage.location.geoLocation]",
Any pointers on what I'm doing wrong here? I've tried several different types when ingesting data. I have created a class with Lat and Lon properties, an array, a GeoLocation, a Point... just about every type I can think of in case it wasn't in the correct format!