Weird new issue

On Thursday morning, I woke up and was nauseous. I was nauseous all day, I felt terrible, but never threw up.

On Friday, I woke up, ate breakfast, and was nauseous AGAIN, same pattern all day, I would get really hungry, eat, then get really nauseous.

Today, I woke up, felt fine, ate breakfast, a couple hours later I was like sick hungry (idk if anyone knows what I am talking about when I say that). I haven’t been nauseous yet, but I am being cautious because of the nausea.

I had spine surgery 2 1/2 weeks ago, I don’t know if this is related. I have POTS, MCAS, and hEDS. I am also exploring what GI issues I could have, and my doctor is putting me on medication for GERD because since my surgery I have had worse issues with pain when swallowing food as it’s going down. I also threw up after surgery for the first time after this surgery. I am currently taking

Gabapentin 300 mg 3x day Fexofenadine 180 mg 2x day Pepcid 20 mg 2x day Desmopressin 0.2 mg 2x day Bisoprolol 5 mg 1/2 tablet 1x day Blisovi Fe 1/20 1 mg 1x day

If anyone has ANY advice as to what this could be I am welcome to ideas. I would love some guidance as of where to go for this. Nausea symptoms are my least favorite, I would prefer anything else to nausea.