Opolis / Health Insurance as a Freelancer in NYC

Hey everyone,

First time poster, long time lurker and editor -- I'm a freelancer and have technically been freelancing since 2017, though before 2020 I was mostly perma-lancing.

Really just curious to know if other solo freelancer editors have had any experience with Opolis, their services, benefits, having them run your payroll and declare how much you'd like to be your 'salary' etc. It appears one would need to form an S Corp to be able to qualify and as straightforward as that sounds, it feels a bit daunting and it naturally does include some costs. I don't believe I technically make 'enough' for what one might consider to be the range to receive the most benefit from incorporating as an S Corp but the Opolis situation appears a bit unique and the healthcare marketplace in NYC is... not great.

Relatedly, has anyone had any trouble with changing your incorporation status with clients at all? Have you lost work that way or have clients been willing to just change your payment information before starting a new project?

The benefits of Opolis seem really pretty decent, so long as I'm not missing anything, but just wanted to get people's thoughts on that if anyone had anything they can share.

Thanks so much in advance for any of your thoughts. It seems Opolis is fairly new and pretty unique so it's hard to know for sure what is worth it.