Anyone ever used the "I Lock It Pro" frame lock (cafe lock)?
So, I built my own ebike (Trek Marlin 7 and BBSHD). I have sunk a lot of money into this, way more than I bargained for beforehand (maybe £3000 all in all), and would obviously hate to lose the investment (there's no way I could afford to re-buy it all again).
I don't want to spend any more on it, but I figure spending more means there is less chance of losing the original investment.
Now, my main way of locking it up is using a Hiplok U-lock (diamond rated) to lock the frame, and then a long cable to lock both wheels, the fork and the seat. Diamond rated is the strongest rating and should take anyone with an angle grinder 15 or 20 minutes to get through, probably busting several cutting discs and needing to change battery several times, if they don't give up first. At least that is what I hear.
Obviously, the cable itself could be easily cut and that could snatch my wheels or seat.
I am not pretending this could never happen, but I feel kinda confident in my set-up, but still, a little piece of me is dreading the day I come back to my bike to find it gone.
So, I was thinking of a frame lock for added security on top of what I already use.
The I Lock It Pro is expensive all in all, but it does a few very useful things. Obviously, as a frame lock, it secures the rear wheel within the triangle frame, and stops it being ridden away. It also has an alarm on it which will sound if someone does attempt to steal the bike. Now, if someone had an angle grinder, an alarm wouldn't bother them, but a lot of thieves are often trying to steal bikes without drawing attention to themselves, so I think an alarm can be very useful.
Also, the bike isn't always within my sight, but if the alarm goes off, it sends an instant message to my phone to alert me.
Finally, it has a GPS tracker in it.
If they do cut through the frame lock's bar (along with my Hiplok), I can follow it to wherever it goes.
I can also use a small cable that attaches to the frame lock to lock down my expensive that I can now leave attached to the bike rather than carrying it with me everywhere I go.
What do you guys think? Is it worth getting?
I know people are going to tell me that anything can be stolen if the thief has the will and the means, but I guess I just want to deter thieves as much as possible.
Only other problem for me is it is made in Germany, and now that UK is out of the EU, they don't ship here. I would need to figure out another way to get my hands on it somehow.