The current Physicality "balancing" is ruining the game.
Edootball is the most frustrating game I think I've ever played, but I'll continue to persevere with it because it's as close to a decent football game that exists as a console player.
But the level of physicality and what constitues a foul is making the game very much not fun.
I can deal with pressure spamming, and insanely aggressive defenders, and even, at times Viera laiden p2w midfields, if you allow me the ability through dribbling to evade and counter measure these things. As is, the mixture of auto shielding (which is awful) and the ability of players to win the ball back relentlessly from behind, has destroyed dribbling and player to player engagements. You can't play out of presses because the moment a player comes in your vicinity, regardless of angle, you're pretty much glued on to and are helpless to do much about it.
The game is frustrating and has been for years but I've mostly enjoyed it and pretty much have stuck with it. But its becoming unfun to play. I play a game every few days and immediately put it down. It feels like it's close to being a good game. All the elements have been right before, but never at the same time. But the physicality being what it is, makes the game really dull.
I'm not giving up on edootball, but it's absolutely not getting the time out of me that it did a few months ago. It's beginning to genuinely not be fun.