Biggest takeaway from the last u/bombinpower video

Acceleration is the most important stat for players running without the ball, i.e. midfielders and defenders.

And it seems like some people have known this for a long time, like: 'ttvderekl2r1' on steam. He's been consistently number 1 on steam for a long time now. And i was always puzzled on why his players ratings were so much below what they can reach, look at Vieira, carlos, pedri and araujo, i couldn't figure out why they were so low rated until now. The only way to get these ratings, is to get thier acceleration so high, see the rest photos.

I've already resetted my LB gp Lucas Hernandez to have 88 acceleration and he's been killing it.

Thank you bombinpower for making this amazing video. i am just here to affirm what you guys probably already learned from his video, peace.

*This is a repost bc the mods suddenly woke up and decided my post was what should be deleted and not the hundreds of other low quality posts.*