Any advice for treatments for POTS/Dysautonomia?

Sorry if its asked a lot, but I'm kind of at a loss and I feel like maybe I'm missing basic infomarion and hoping for advice.

Back ground you don't nessacarily need: I've been having symptoms for years but they have been getting progressively worse, which I think is a result from covid. It's gotten to the point where it's dangerous, I can't do much, and have to have a cane when I go out or I will collaspe/faint after standing for a while. The summer it is sooo bad. If I don't make sure to have some electrolyte rich drinks every day, I will pass out. I've been trying to ask my PCP about it for a year or two, since my friends keep being like "Hey this sounds like you do you have this??" but she kind of dismissed it saying, "I've met people with POTS and you do not have it," inictating since I'm overweight I don't fit, even though one of the reasons is I can't excersise safely without getting sick.

Well I finally passed out alone and for a WHILE couple months ago (usually I only go for a couple seconds/a minute I think) before my partner found me on the floor, and I bugged her enough that she sent me to a cardiologist. The doctor almost immedately agreed I probably have it, he's setting me up with a heart monitor and a echo cardiagram to rule out other heart issues BUT


The doctor said that even if I have it there, are no real ways to treat it and nothing to be done for it, aside from maybe salt? I've noticed salt helps me, so he prescriped me sodium chloride tablets to take daily to see if that helps. But my insurance doesn't cover it and the pharmacy is trying to charge me like 70 bucks for them.

Can I just get any sodium chloride tablets? Is he wrong or is there actually things I can do, like have a certain about of fluids a day or idk maybe some supplements or vitamins that help?? I live in a state where there is only a single tilt table and I don't think doctors are very educated here, so I kind of expect I'll have to deal with this on my own but I would just like it I'd I could actually function better.

Obviously I'll bring up any suggestions to my PCP and doctors before I just go and do it.