Numbness/tingling in legs

I was recently diagnosed with POTS. I have frequent numbness and tingling in my legs and I’m not sure if it’s related? When I bend over it takes all of a min of less for my legs to go almost completely numb/weak and I have to unbend or sit down. It feels so odd, like suddenly my legs are weak, tingling like within (not skin tingling), and wobbly. This morning when I got out of bed I almost completely collapsed because my legs just turns off almost like when you feel like you’re passing out but without the lightheadedness part.

Other limbs will also go numb pretty easily. For example, my forearm/hands when my elbow is bent for a few mins.

I don’t know if any of that made sense but one thing I’ve learned with POTS is that all the unrelated weird things are probably related to POTS, so I was curious if anyone else experiences this.