What age should you put down the dex?

I’m 29 going on 30 now and I been dexing for like 11 years now and maybe it’s the anxiety talking but I realized that I probably can’t be doing drugs like this for long now.

Granted i don’t binge and I take very long breaks (2 years where I completely stop and when I do trip I do it every 1-2 months) . My blood pressure when I don’t have any nicotine or caffeine is like 119-124 at most. I’m generally healthy according to the doctor, I never checked BP on Dex but Ive survived it a lot. I don’t feel like doing anything over 600mg or even 500mg, probably gonna do a lil 300-400mg trip of hbr for the Carti album tomorrow. I’ve never really had health problems when tripping before (then again I never checked so how would I know), I don’t think I’ll stroke out with one trip when I haven’t really done a big trip since July of last year. I’ll probably be good for the night but at what age should I tap out?