Found out my unborn daughter may have achondroplasia. I know nothing. Please help

So, my wife and I just found out that our unborn daughter (20 weeks) may have achondroplasia. It was just from the ultrasound, and she is getting her amniotic fluid tested on Tuesday for the gene, but I guess it takes 2 weeks for results to come in. Obviously, we don't have any problems if our daughter is a dwarf, my main concern is health. My wife right now is in Korea, and there are large translation problems, and we are planning on living in the US again this year, but we are wondering if we should move now, which is something we can do.

So, my questions are, what should I be concerned about health wise, are there more tests or things that should be done right now that is normally done in the states, is there anything that we should be doing during pregnancy, and is there anything I can do to prepare and make sure my daughter has a great life? I'm not going to lie, I really don't know anything about dwarfism, except what I have googled yesterday and today, and I want to change that.

Thank you for the help.